Date(s) - 02 juni 23 - 04 juni 23
18:00 - 17:00

The Astrology of kink. Retreat in de Ardennen met Queen en Mr Vik.

Voor de vijfde keer alweer komt kink specialist en goede vriend Viktor een Kink weekend geven in mijn praktijk. Deze workshop is geschikt voor mensen die nieuwsgierig zijn naar Kink, of al ervaren zijn in Kink en meer willen exploreren. Deze keer geven wij dit bijzondere retreat in de Belgische Ardennen. Tekst gaat verder in het Engels, voor de Nederlandse vertaling en de praktische info, lees onderaan verder.

Planets were considered by the ancients as wandering stars and through their
observation over thousands of years Astrology was born. Just as the sun and moon are important for making life possible on our planet, as are nature, the air we breathe and the food we eat as prana life force energy all around us so why not the cosmos out there. In Evolutionary Astrology the planets represent psychological archetypes that we find in all of us as well as in the Chakras system. Awareness of what is around us, the persons we share life’s journey with and the energies we exchange become the pillars of our experience of alternative sexuality, Tantric and Kinky .

Kink sexuality plays in the land of forbidden fruit and as such is what makes us curious and at the same time afraid of that which we may have repressed. Kink sexuality works with the shadow and therefore can be confrontational, intense, and sometimes scary, but at its core it is a profound force of transformation and evolution ( The transpersonal planets ). In our approach we follow the lead of Conscious Kink sometimes known as Sacred Kink.
In this retreat, we will work with kink and tantra experiencing the rich possibility that kink play can offer, introducing us to the world of restraint (planet Saturn) and the different forms that this can be express. We will get to know the dynamic of domination and submission as ritualistic expressions of kink sexuality and connected to the spirit.

We will work with astrology and the planets representing psychological archetypes: what we like (Venus), what we desire (Mars), what make us feel protected (Moon), what we fear (Pluto), what we repress (Saturn)
what we dream (Neptune)
This retreat will travel through different aspects of kink, the sacred and their planet
correlations according to astrology.
The dates we have chosen have a very interesting astrological significance that I would like to mention here. Full moon in Sagittarius, that will accentuate the energy of knowledge and expansion ( Jupiter) as a way that helps us feel secure and the moon to nurture us.

1 / we will explore kink sexuality and tantric sexuality as a viable combination that can help us in our personal growth
A/ different forms of restraint with an emphasis on Shibari bondage work with ropes. But also other forms of restraint with attention to the importance of a safe form of play
B/ pain play and safety thereof
C/ domination and submission, the ritual demo, working with the spirit D/ all about toys
2/ we will work with planet-archetypes connected to sexuality
3/ reading of natal astrological charts in private sessions covering the basics of astrological configuration of each one of the participants.
4/ Ritualism as part of a very important approach in my kink practice. I will introduce a basic knowledge of astrological magic we can use to set up our working space on and direct cosmological configuration.

The Magus : mrvikthor : I am an actor and designer, tantric body worker on the Kaula tantric linage, im 7 years professional Domination Master (BDSM) and rigger, bondage shibari is one of my main practice. I have my studio in Amsterdam where I give regular session on tantra and kink, I am a 24/7 student of astrology
following the linage of Evolutionary astrology and ancient Helenistic astrology since 2021 . Focus on Natal astrology , election astrology and astrology and magic.

Queen: eigenaar praktijk Living Touch, tantric bodyworker voor 7 jaar. Opgeleid in het energetisch/tantrisch werk onder ander door Anand Rudra, waar ze ook mrVik ontmoet heeft. Queen zal zorgen voor een energetisch en veilig kader waarin de Kink praktijken kunnen worden beoefend.

voorafgaand aan de workshop houden wij 2 online bijeenkomsten, kosteloos voor deelnemers, waarin dieper ingegaan wordt op de astrologie en kink.
18 mei: 19.30 – 21.00
23 mei: 19.30 – 21.00

Lokatie: The monastery in Solwaster, near Spa
start: 2 juni 18.00 eind: 4 juni: 17.00
Investering: 250 euro voor de workshop + 40 euro voor food and drinks, 20 euro pp voor overnachting in een gedeelde kamer, of gratis overnachten in de studio, of boek een van de vele B&B’s in de buurt.

Vermeld bij je inschrijving je interesse en eventuele ervaring met Kink en/of bondage.

Wij kijken ernaar uit om jullie te verwelkomen!

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