Date(s) - 01 april 22 - 03 april 22

shapeshifting the spirit of sexuality

3 weekends with Elle Monk, Jessica Jobse, Renee Kruisdijk

Dates: 1-3 April 2022, 6-8 May, 3-5 June

There is an inner garden of desire that is rarely revealed. Maybe you have explored it already a little by yourself, or in your couple. But at the threshold of this place often there are a couple of dragons keeping guard. Some lingering shame or doubt, some fear of rejection, or just a lack of imagination. And yet a lot of people have questions about the way they experience their sexuality. The heights and the depths of what is possible. The hidden paths of connection that may have flared up for a moment, then to disappear, the veins of lust and pleasure that are hidden under the surface.

Often what is needed to explore this Garden, is time and a feeling of safety. Some arrows and directions to wander into the unknown. A good sense of humor and an experimental setting. And a warm environment in which to work, come together, and share our experiences.

When we say we want to ‘shapeshift’ the spirit of sexuality, we want to liberate desire and pleasure from their usual connotations and sexually limited context. The union of bodies does not just take place during intercourse. It is a creative and endlessly changing vibration that flows between people, but also out into the world. We can make love without touching, exchange bodies with each other, be touched by the elements and objects around. We learn to make use of all our different bodies: physical, but also mental, emotional and energetic. And together we create beautiful waving bliss-bodies of fun and pleasure, but we also work through the emotional release of pain, shame and negativity.


This is a workshop that is open to everyone that is ready to open up and go truly naked to the core. You do not need to be in a couple, but it is for sure great to enter this experiment with your partner. Most important is your willingness to listen, to your own body and the body of your partner. To go deep, and not push into the highway of orgasm-as-you-know-it. To be light and experimental in your approach. To allow gates to be opened you never thought of entering…

We ask you to apply with a motivation, in which you clearly describe what you want to explore and work with in this series, what your challenges are, and what you are afraid of.

You can send your application to: elle@tantra.community, and we will let you know as soon as possible…


The Garden of Eden is organized in two levels: Level 1 is for everybody with an interest in broadening their view on sexuality, desire and connection, and consists of 3 weekend workshops:




In the first weekend we practice consent and a deeper understanding of your own blueprint of desire and connection

In the second weekend, we dive into the naked truth of our fantasies, in a ritualized form, and in the third weekend we exchange bodies, work with energetic sacred union and become truly transformed.

The 3 workshops have to followed fully, and in chronological order.

Only people that finished Level 1 can start Level 2: two workshops (DREAMING THE DARK and INTO THE WILD) and a practice week. More information on these workshops will be given to those that finished their first level and are accepted to apply.

Practical: The workshops are organized in The Monastery Live, in Solwaster (close to Verviers) in the Ardennes. Closest train station is Verviers.

Price: You pay 600 for the series, exclusive of food and accommodation. Food is paid at the weekend itself (40 euro per weekend).

Accommodation: There is limites accommodation in shared rooms at The Monastery Live (25 pppn), or you can choose to sleep on a mattress in the practice room for free (bring your own bedding in that case. There are also numerous B&B’s in the neighbourhood. List on demand.

Reservations, applications and information: elle@tantra.community


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